CLEO Release Notes Q1 2024: February

Modified on Wed, 22 May 2024 at 04:24 PM

Release Date: February 21, 2024

Release Notes


February’s CLEO release includes improvements to the End of Week Processing screen that is part of our ongoing project to improve reporting in CLEO. We also fixed several bugs and made some improvements to CLEO’s Estimator app.

You can watch the release webinar here.

Improvements to End of Week Screen and Associated Reports


EOW / Customer Activity Panel has been updated to show customer counts that use the same logic and labels as the updated Customer Export and Customer Export Brief reports. We added tool tips in a couple of places so you always know what date you’re looking at.

EOW / Royalty Report has been updated to show customer counts that use the same logic and labels as the updated Customer Export and Customer Export Brief reports.


EOW / Weekly Activity Report has been updated to show customer counts that use the same logic and labels as the updated Customer Export and Customer Export Brief reports.

The YTD Net Sales field on the EOW screen didn't display correct YTD sales for offices reporting Revenue by Territory when "All Sites” was selected. The EOW screen now shows the correct YTD sales when "All Sites” is selected.

Improvements to Estimator App

The correct MLY logos are now being shown on all pages in the app.


Post Release: Brand compliant logo

Items on the screen were previously not listed in chronological order. Items will now be listed in chronological order, grouped by type of item.

The Lead Source drop down was sometimes showing inactive lead sources and was not showing the correct secondary lead source. Now, only active lead sources will appear in the drop-down list, and the secondary lead sources will correctly display in the drop down based on the selected primary lead source.

Misc Bug Fixes and Improvements


In some cases, expanding the Estimate widget and updating the square footage of a property would cause inaccurate square foot totals to display when the widget was closed. This has not been fixed so any updates to square footage are always accurately reflected in the total square foot field whether the widget is expanded or closed.


O2R workflows were not correctly updating the "Next Action" in some cases. Now, for offices utilizing O2R lead management and workflows, Next Action will correctly update whenever automated (or manual) lead workflows are executed.


In some cases, when CLEO received a “STOP” opt-out instruction in response to a text message, the customer's/lead's Do Not Tex flag in CLEO was not being set. Now, when an opt-out message is received by CLEO, the Do Not Text flag in CLEO will be set, regardless of how the customer's/lead's name is formatted in the opt-out instruction received by CLEO.


Sometimes, navigating to a customer's contact log from the Calendar & Tasks screen would show a blank Contact Log. Now the Contact Log will always display if there is information in the log.

Some users noticed that when they edited incoming / outgoing call scripts and used special formatting, call scripts would no longer display. The Edit Scripts screen now no longer allows special formatting, which was breaking the call scripts.


Number of days without a cleaning before a customer is inactivated has now been standardized to 15 days.

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