CLEO Release Notes Q2 2024: May

Modified on Thu, 23 May 2024 at 10:59 AM

CLEO Release Notes 

Release Q2024: Quarterly Release 

Release Notes 


May’s CLEO Release includes more improvements to the End of Week screenDashboards and updates to Occasional to Recurring reporting, along with several other improvements and bug fixes intended to make life easier for you and your team. 

Because of the upcoming migration of CLEO to a new backend platform, some features will be available immediately and some will be available once the migration is complete (scheduled for June 8th.) In the meantime, you can view migration FAQs here.

Release webinar link:


The following items will be released the evening of May 22, 2024: 


The O2R Detail Report has been updatedSeveral changes were made to the O2R Detail Report, including: 

  1. Update the report to use the new Customer Count logic when returning O2R results 

  1. Rename the report “O2R Detail (Including Incentive) 

  1. Add a tooltip explaining how results are shown 

  1. Fix issues with the report that caused some results to fail to display 





We hid duplicate / unnecessary O2R reports: 

  • The O2R Incentive Report will no longer be available. The information in that report is available in the “O2R Detail (Including Incentive)” report. 

  • The O2R Customer Value report will no longer be available. The information in that report is available in the “O2R Detail (Including Incentive)” report. 


We modified the O2R Dashboard widget to use the previously updated Customer Count logic and aligned the dashboard widget with the updated O2R Detail (Including Incentive) report. 




We fixed an incorrect estimate count issue. In some cases, the Estimate count was inaccurate when performing end of week closing. We fixed this calculation so you should see a count that matches the count on the Calendar & Tasks screen. (Please note: When an estimate is performed but not “won” in the same week, you may still see an unmatched count. You can update the number and click the Save icon to adjust for this. Also, this update is not retroactive. Previously closed weeks are not affected. Additionally, you must perform all closing actions for the counts to align (proceed through Get Results, Verify Results, etc.) 



The Route ActivitExisting Balance field will now reflect payments applied the same day from the Customer Balance screen. 


We updated how the Workflow Play Button works. When clicking the “Play” button on a workflow, the screen should now automatically update the workflow to “Queued” status on the screen. However, if that does not happen, users now have a refresh button at the top of the page to refresh the page to see the latest status of all workflows. 


We added contextual Tax Authority Help Text. Help text was added to the screen when adding a Tax Authority to help users decide whether they need to create a new tax authority or edit an existing tax authority. 


We disabled some features for Royalty by Site offices. Disable RBS offices from editing: Preferred Site, Zone, and creating new zones. These changes only apply to owners who report royalties by site. Owners who report royalties by site will need to contact DOS for any changes related to Preferred Sites or Zones if they are on Royalty by Site. 



The following items will be released as part of the upcoming CLEO platform migration currently scheduled for June 8, 2024: 


(More information regarding the migration will be emailed to the system around June 3. View migration FAQs here.) 


CLEO now caches previously searched Routes. Map routes are now cached once they have been mapped / searched, reducing the number of calls to Google’s Maps API. For some offices, this may reduce your Google Maps API cost. 

We fixed the View Customer option on Maps. When right clicking on a customer in Maps, the “View Customer” option now only appears once, as intended, instead of appearing twice. 





We added the Preferred Site field to the Service Address Widget table when in collapsed view. 


We fixed an auto log out issue. CLEO was over eager to log you out. This has been fixed, so you shouldn’t be logged out unless you have access to multiple CLEOs and are switching from one to the other. 


The Customer Count Dashboard widget has been updated to use the same logic and labels as the previously released Customer Count logic. 




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