August CLEO Release

Modified on Tue, 27 Sep 2022 at 10:35 AM

CLEO – August 2021 Release Cliffs Notes


1.  WebsalesAPI Enhancement: Sound for New Lead

  • Play sound when a new lead comes in  - In Settings, User Defined Values, you can select one of 7      sounds to hear when a new lead comes in


2.  WebsalesAPI Enhancement: Duplicate Detector

  • Improve Duplicate Detector due to Lead/Estimate being added to existing Customer Incorrectly

3.  Make Price Increase Module Grid, Route Activity and Customer Balance Screens Sort Aware:

  • When you sort a grid in these areas of CLEO and then select next, the grid will know the sort category and advance to the next customer based on the current sort of the data.

  • Current Feature: Clicking “next” sorted by customer number would take you to Printwell, Inc (which is the next customer on route 20 after Boyles

  • Post Release: Clicking “next” sorted by customer number would take you to the next customer sorted by customer number Wiitala, Sharon


4.  Lead Management - Quick Action->Auto Pursuing->Next Action

  • When Changing the Lead Status (Using the Quick Actions Button on the Lead Management Screen) from Pursuing to Auto Pursuing, The Next Action does not Auto Populate (see screenshot below).

Current Screen Shot


Post Release Screen Shot


Bug Fixes:

1.  Customer Screen: Customer Balance Showing Incorrectly:

  • You will no longer be able to add a TIP on the customer balance screen, without selecting an employee. You will not be able to save without adding the employee name an error message will pop up at the bottom of the screen.



2.  Price Increase Module:

  • Hourly Cleans are getting included in the Price Increase Module: Exclude hourly cleans from the Price Increase module.

  • Duplicate cleans after implementation: On the first clean after a PIM has been implemented CLEO adds a note to the Team Leader notes of each clean so the team is aware.  If there are QC Notes and/or Single RA notes on the clean when the PIM runs it will no longer create a duplicate team leader note causing the clean to appear duplicated on the route schedule

3. Route Activity:

  • Detail Widget Clean Price does not match Route Activity List Clean Cost (Rounding Error): Fixed the bug so that now, when the Hourly Rate is used to calculate the Clean Price in the Route Activity Detail, the calculated amount will match the Clean Cost in the Route Activity Grid below.

  • Rounding Issues Total Payment: Fixed the issue to have consistent logic in rounding.   

4. CalAmp:

  • Fixed the issue where CLEO is erroring out or using old information for geofences for CalAmp users.

5. Reports:

  • Notification Report: Fixed an issue where customers were appearing on the notification report that shouldn’t be as Manual Notice is not checked for any communication records 

6. Route Schedule:

  • New Clean populating a Regular Rate for a Lead with No Prior Cleans: Changed the code so that regular rate value will get updated when a recurring clean is created for the address or when a recurring clean price is updated.

  • Standard Amount Getting Pulled from Wrong Table: Changed the code so that regular rate value will get updated when a recurring clean is created for the address or when a recurring clean price is updated.

  • Initial Occasional Cleans: If you create a new clean and only check initial then save Cleo will create an Initial Occasional Clean.  You will now be required to select a recurrence when you select initial, weekly is the default.   

Current Screen Shot


Post Release Screen Shot


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