Add an Employee

Modified on Mon, 12 Jun 2023 at 04:03 PM

Add New Employee 

Last update : 6/12/2023

1.  From the main menu, click Files > Select Employees 

2.  You will then see the employee list screen. 

3.  Click the plus button to add a new employee  

  • It will populate a screen that looks similar to the one below.  

4.  You will need to fill out the information and then click on the save button 

  • The middle name, spouse name, children, education level, FLSA exempt, payroll and equipment are optional. The employee number will auto fill.  

5.  Once you click save, you will be brought to the Employee Master screen.  

6.  You need to open the Access Control Widget by clicking on the blue down arrow. 

7.User Name:  Assign them a username (typically these are first name.last name) and then check, this will confirm if that username is available.  

8. Password:  Enter a password, making sure to include all the required fields.   

9. Confirm Password:  Retype the same password

  • If you want to be able to see the password you typed, you can click the show password button.  

10.  Role:  Select the employees position from the dropdown and click save.

   Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated

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