
Modified on Fri, 28 Apr 2023 at 10:37 AM



Things to Remember:  Complete this action daily.  This will help with your bank reconciliations.

The following document will walk you through how to utilize the Deposit's section within CLEO.  The deposit section is where you will create, edit, approve, and print bank deposits and credit card authorizations.

Deposit batches should be created daily.  Payments processed for the day should be assigned and approved to assist with a smooth bank reconciliation.

Navigate to deposits by clicking on End of Day/Week. 

There are four main steps to the Deposit Section:

  • Create Batch – Where you create new batches (Bank Deposit & Credit Card Authorizations)
  • Assign Payments – Where payments are assigned to batches
  • Batch Pending Approval – Where you review and finalize batches
  • Approved Batches – Where you view finalized batches

Multiple batches can be active at the same time.

In the following sections we will explore each step and walk you through how to create a batch, assign payments to a batch, review and approve a batch and finally where to view historical batches.

Step 1:  Creating a New Batch

Click on the Create Batch bucket to expand this section. 

First, check the Batch date to ensure it is accurate and change If necessary.  The batch date field will automatically default to the current days date.  Users can choose to adjust this date as they see fit.

Second, select a batch type.  There will only be two options to choose from and they are Bank Deposits and CC.  Bank Deposits will have cash and check payments assigned and CC will be used to house the credit card payments processed for the day.

Next, select the appropriate site (most cases it will be main site).  If you have multiple sites for your office, you can select a specific site for which to create the batch for. 

The Batch number is what the batch will be named.  It will default based on the Batch Date, Batch Type and Site.  For Cash/Check deposits the batch number will begin with DS followed by the batch date, batch type and site.  The Batch Number changed if the default isn’t satisfactory.  If it was a credit card batch, the number would begin with CC, batch date, batch time, and site.

If you saved your bank account info within Franchise Settings, they would appear here and allow you to automatically include your bank info on the Bank Deposit Reports to simplify dropping the deposit at the bank. 

Step 2:  Assigning Payments

Now that you have created a batch, you will move to the Assign Payments bucket.  The batch that you are working on must be highlighted gold.  If it isn’t gold, click on the appropriate batch to select it and turn it gold.  Once the batch is selected, the payments will appear so that they may be selected and assigned.  Only check and cash will appear for bank deposits batches and only credit card payments will appear for CC batches. 

Select the payments you wish to assign to the batch and click the blue plus button to add them to the batch. 

Once all payments are assigned click the green check mark to approve and move it to the next section which is Batches Pending Approval.

Step 3:  Batches Pending Approval

Once the payments have been assigned, you can review the batches here to verify that payments were assigned properly.  If there are multiple batches present, make sure to click on the desired batch to turn it gold.  This will indicate that this is the batch you are currently working on.  click the printer icon to produce a pdf of a deposit slip. 

The deposit slip generated would produce a copy to take to the bank and one for the office records.

Click on the green check mark to approve the batch.  This will move the batch to the Approved Batches bucket.

Step 4:  Approved Batches

All approved batches will be stored in this bucket.  Offices can look at any batch from any time frame and reprint the deposit slip.  The office can also review which payments that were assigned to each batch.  Certain roles will have the option to reopen the batch if any changes need to be made.

Reopening a Batch

This can only be done in the Approved Batch section.  Make sure the correct batch is highlighted gold.  Then click on the circle of arrows.

Once the circle of arrows icon is clicked, CLEO will ask are you sure you want to reopen the batch.  Click Yes if you would like to move forward and click back if you would like to cancel the action.

If you choose yes and reopen the batch, it will move back to the “Batches Pending Approval” bucket.


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