Entering a Coupon

Modified on Wed, 17 Apr 2024 at 01:22 PM

1.  From the main menu, click End of Day/Week and then Gift Certs & Coupons


2.  You will then see the Gift Certicate/Coupon screen.

3.  To add the coupon, click the     to bring up the add screen.

4.  Select Coupon from the Drop-Down List

5.  Type the last name (one you start typing watch for the name to populate the dropdown) of the customer who has a coupon. When the customer appears click on the name to select them.

6.  Type in the Original Amount of the Coupon

7.  Enter in Any Notes you need to add

8.  Enter the Source of the coupon (i.e., Valpak)

9.  Make sure the active box is checked

10.  This is what the completed screen should look like, then click save.

11.  Now when you go to Route Activity, you should see the little green shopping cart in adjustments.

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