Mini November 2021 Release Cliffs Notes

Modified on Tue, 27 Sep 2022 at 10:35 AM

CLEO – November 2021 Release Cliffs Notes


  1. Financial Screens

    1. Prevent a CC Tokenization when a credit card expiration is a date in the past.

  2. Reports – Export as XLXS

    1. When the excel download option is selected reports will now export in XLXS

  3. Time Entry

    1. Allow a third break and second lunch to be entered in time entry and rates save correctly

  4. Two Way Texting

    1. Ability to insert a picture into an outbound text message

  5. Price Increase Module – Communication Grid

    1. Add the city to the edit customer and communication grid

    2. Add the city to the export reports

Current Screen Shot


Post Release Screen Shot


Bug Fixes:

  1. Reports – Overall Working Rate:

    1. Correct issue where sales tax was being included within the overall working rate calculation.

  2. Reports – Employee Perm Cancel Analysis

    1. Add back in the section for "No Responsible HSP's"

  3. Customer/Lead Screen - Convert to customer date stamp issue

    1. Correct issue where the convert to customer time stamp was not using the date entered for the Won date.

  4. Dashboard – Revenue Trend Widget

    1. Correct an issue where the Forecasted Weekly Revenue on the Revenue Trend Widget does not match Files->Weekly Budget

  5. Route Schedule Edit Clean Quick Launch

    1. Correct an issue on Route Activity and the customer record clean logs where when you clicked the edit pencil next to the clean to open the edit clean screen you were getting a blank screen.


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